Spanish Rice

Spanish Rice

2 tbs. Vegetable oil
1 lb. Lean ground beef
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped green bell pepper
1 cup uncooked rice
2 tsp. chili powder
1 ½ cups water
1 tsp. seasoned salt
½ tsp. ground cumin
½ tsp. ground black pepper
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 can (14 ¼ ounces) whole tomatoes, drained and chopped

In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat.  Add the beef, onion., and green pepper, cooking until the meat is browned; drain liquid.  Stir in remaining ingredients; reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes or until rice is tender.

Basic Chicken Fajitas

Basic Chicken Fajitas

2 1/2 lb. Skinless boneless chicken breasts (thin strips)
2 tsp. Pure chili powder
salt, to taste
2 Tbs. Olive oil (1 Tbs. For each pan)
18 corn or 12 flour tortillas

Pound chicken to 1/8 inch thick. Sprinkle chili powder and salt. Fry in pan. Dip tortillas in salsa. Cut chicken in thin strips.


  • omit chili, replace with 1/4 cup sesame and 1/4 tsp. Cayenne
  • omit chili, replace with 1/4 medium onion, 2 cups orange juice. 4 tsp. Soy sauce.

Basic Beef Fajitas

Basic Beef Fajitas

1 medium onion
1 tsp. Pure chili powder
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
2 1/2 lb. Skirt stake
2 Tbs. Olive or peanut oil, in frying the stake
12 scallions, trimmed
12 corn tortillas
Salsa Verde

Grate onion through fine holes. Place in pan large enough for the meat. Add chili powder and lime juice and stir. Place stake in mix to marinate for 30 minutes, turning once, up to 2 hours. Grill or fry with oil. Let rest for 5 to 10 minutes. While resting, grill/fry scallions (5 minutes), remove and cut crosswise in 3 to 4 pieces each. Just before serving, dip tortillas in salsa Verde. Heat in pan or oven. Cut stake across grain in thin slices.