Toaster Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts

In this installment of cooking in the toaster oven, I make a new favorite. I don’t think mom ever served these when I was a kid. I doubt I would have eaten them anyway.

Brussels sprouts are fresh in our grocery, so I picked up a bag. I like them small. Here is how I make them.

Preheat the toaster oven to 425 degrees.

Cut the bottoms off the bottom of the sprouts and peel a few of the outer leaves off. Rinse and pat dry. If the sprout is larger than an inch, cut them in half, cutting down the bottom.

Drizzle extra virgin olive oil on each sprout
Sprinkle each with a few grains of coarse sea salt
Grind some fresh black pepper

Bake for 20 minutes, mixing carefully at least once while cooking.

Toss with a little butter before serving.
